
Coupons are a great way to reward customers as well draw in new customers with offers and promotions.

The following steps will walk you through creating and setting up a new coupon for your shop.

  1. From your Dashboard, click on the floating + icon in the bottom right hand of the screen, this will activate your vendor quick access menu.
  2. Once selected, click on coupons from the popup menu.
  3. Then click on Add New Coupon.
  4. Once you have selected Add New Coupon you will be presented with a form to fill in. The form fields include:
    • Coupon Title: Give your coupon a title. This title is what your customer will use in the checkout process.
    • Description (optional): This field will allow you to give your coupon a description and is completely optional.
    • Discount Type:  Select between percentage and fixed amount for your discount.
    • Amount: Add in your discount value percentage or fixed amount.
    • Email Restrictions (optional): Email addresses entered here will be excluded from your offer.
    • Usage Limit (optional): Enter the number of times each customer can use this coupon.
    • Expire Date: Select an expiry date for your coupon if you would like your coupon to expire after a certain period of time. Leave blank for unlimited time.
    • Exclude Sale Items: Check this box if the coupon should not apply to items on sale. Note: Per-item coupons will only work if the item is not on sale. Per-cart coupons will only work if there are no sale items in the cart.
    • Minimum Amount: Select the minimum amount an order should be for the coupon to become valid.
    • Product: Select the product/products you would like the offer to be applied too. This can be a single product or multiple products.
    • Exclude products (optional): Here you can select which products you would like to be excluded from the offer.
    • Product categories: Include one or multiple product categories for the coupon to be applied too.
    • Exclude product categories: Select one or more product categories to be excluded from the coupon offer.
    • Show on store: Checking this box will display your coupon value, offer and description on your shop page between your shop information and your product listings.
  5. Select Update Coupon

Useful Information

What is Product (Fixed Amount) Discount?

Fixed Amount Discount will apply the discount value selected to the total order the customer pays, subject to any restrictions applied in your coupon settings.

To use this option, select Product Discount from Discount Type drop-down.

The coupon discount type will be displayed as Fixed Amount under Coupon Type in your Dashboard.

What is Product Percentage (%) Discount?

Product Percentage Discount will apply the percentage discount set to the customers total order value excluding any restrictions applied.

To use this option, select Product % Discount from Discount Type drop-down.

The coupon discount type will be displayed as Percent under Coupon Type in your Dashboard.

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