Managing Product Categories and Tags

Product Categories

Product categories are the primary way to group products with similar features. You can also add subcategories if desired.

For example, if you sell handmade candles, you might have “candles”, “homeware” and “gifts for her” as categories.

Product categories can be selected when adding a product and also updated from the product edit screen.

Product Tags

What are product tags?

Product tags are another way to relate products to each other.

For example, if you sell handmade candles, and you have a lot of vegan friendly products, you could make a tag for “vegan”, or “vegan-friendly” Then add that tag in your product edit screen. When customers select any tag link on the website that is tagged the same, your product will display in that list.

How to add product tags

Tags can be easily added from the product edit screen.

Categories and Tags

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